Saturday, 22 June 2013


BOOKS! Most awesome things in the world! I mean you find a good one and just can't put it down, you feel for the protagonist and are taken on a whirling, tumbling, emotional journey of pure awesomeness. And when it is over you laugh you cry, it moves you Bob (I know Veggi tales comment lol) But even if it has a terrible ending of pure emotional evil you still love it and pray there might be a sequel if it isn't already a series, OH, and then there are the one that are evil and are series but end evilly and give you a chance of another one and you spend the rest of your days like "I wonder if he/she decided to make another."   And check the interwebs frantically every couple of years. Anywho, I love them and read them a lot...once read a 762 page book in 2 days, it was a good book needless to say =).  Ah, I could go on for a while about some awesome books I have read but it would take a while and don;t want to bore you with all that!

Kathrine Hatter

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