Sunday, 30 June 2013


Books and movies, if series, are so mean and wonderful, and shows are the same. I love books and  I love to read them and when you get a good series it is wonderful, until you reach the end of the first book and they either don't have the second at the library or the second isn't out yet and you have to wait a year or so. Same if they have like three of them and they don't have the fourth and on and on you get the picture. So, I have finished a book and the second is checked out at the library I own the third and I just re read the first so I need the second! But I can't have it yet =(...I am also waiting on the fourth book of a series to come out and it's soooo close, it comes out in August, and then there is the last in a trilogy that I don't even know when it shall be coming out. And then there is Sherlcok series which we shall not even go into. So that is the reason for this rant of awesomness yet evilness about series

Kathrine Hatter

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Doctor Who

DOCTOR WHO!!! It is one of the most awesome shows in the entirety of time and space! I absolutely love it! It follows the Doctor, a time lord who is the last of his kind. He always has a human companion and they go on wonderful, scary, awesome adventures through time and space. It can make you laugh really hard or cry really hard, but all the same is one of my most favorite shows ever!

Kathrine Hatter

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Writing (take two)

Okay writing! This shall be my actual post about writing the last one though titled writing was more of a post about my friends and my story blog lol. SO, writing is awesome. I am a writer and enjoy every bit of it. I mean what isn't to like? You get to create your own little world and your own people that you can make any way you want. You can do so much with it there are really no limits to what you can do! And then, once you have finished one and other people can read and enjoy something that you have created, that came out of mind. That, to me, sound like one of the happiest moments in a persons life. When you can share something like that and hae other people enjoy it =) I have yet to finish one of mine but I hope to as soon as I can. So there you have it! My "real" post about writing!

Kathrine Hatter

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Psychedelic Connection

Hello my friends! So yesterday when I made a post about how much I need my Sherlock apparently a friend of mine had the same idea! So after the post I had a chat with my friend Anna (Blogger of Dreams of a Narnian ) and she yelled at me that she looked at my blog right before she was about to make a post about Sherlock. Then she proceeded to ask m what I was doing, and we were both sitting, listening to music, and chatting with each other (Obvious one). So I said we must have a psychedelic connection (I meant to say psychedelic because that is just something I find fun to say in stead of psychological) Anyway so I thought I would inform you of my psychedelic connection with my friend!

Kathrine Hatter

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Hello my colorful friends to another wonderful day. Except for me it isn't as wonderful because I re watched Sherlock and just finished Reichenback Fall and now I am in need of the third season (AGAIN, though I never stopped needing it is just more prominent now) So yes, I am now making a post about this because I needed something to post, I was bored, and this is my blog and felt I should share my need for season three...that is all thank you lol.

Kathrine Hatter

Monday, 24 June 2013

You Can Change the Color!

Oh my goodness, you can change the color of your text! I didn't know that. I mean, I was sitting here, "Hmmm I feel like I should post something everyday so what to make a post about?" and then I see this thing and I am like "Whoa, cool I should make my post about this." So now we are at the present. Okay, so this thing is cool, and awesome.

Kathrine Hatter

Saturday, 22 June 2013


BOOKS! Most awesome things in the world! I mean you find a good one and just can't put it down, you feel for the protagonist and are taken on a whirling, tumbling, emotional journey of pure awesomeness. And when it is over you laugh you cry, it moves you Bob (I know Veggi tales comment lol) But even if it has a terrible ending of pure emotional evil you still love it and pray there might be a sequel if it isn't already a series, OH, and then there are the one that are evil and are series but end evilly and give you a chance of another one and you spend the rest of your days like "I wonder if he/she decided to make another."   And check the interwebs frantically every couple of years. Anywho, I love them and read them a lot...once read a 762 page book in 2 days, it was a good book needless to say =).  Ah, I could go on for a while about some awesome books I have read but it would take a while and don;t want to bore you with all that!

Kathrine Hatter

Friday, 21 June 2013


I love music, it is just beautiful. It can be calm, loud, energetic, etc. It is just an awesome thing...Who came up with the idea of music anyway, I mean really I would like to build a time machine and go back to thank them for this awesome thing they have done. I mean it helps you through hard times, makes you feel good when you really don't, and just generally make you happy. And there are so many different types of music. Classical, Rock, Metal, Bluegrass, Country, and tons of other genres that I don't even know the name of  =). I actually play Guitar and it is fun just to play it just to hear the sound. So moral of the post, Music is awesome and most people will probably agree.

Kathrine Hatter

Thursday, 20 June 2013


I adore writing, I feel as if it transports me into another world, time, and place. I one day hope to get published, but I have about five novels I have started . But oh well, writing is one of my passions so it is hard to stop. =)  And just for your information I am writing a story blog of awesomeness with three of my great friends it is called The Incantevole Tales, and to credit them these three are awesome writers. I write from the point of view of my sweet bad tempered Half-Dragon Adonis, fiery spirited Ceridwen Nairi (Ceridwen is a made up race in this book), and lastly calm, fun loving Nuvole who happens to be Nairi's brother. I recommend reading it 'cause it is a fun adventurous story =)  And so I don;t feel like I am bragging just on myself (Which I am not trying to do) My friend Ashley writes from Bly, Xander, and our villains Andromeda and Felix. She is an awesome writer.  Kayla writes from the point of view of Kaymele and Nithron and she also is a very talented writer. And lastly Anna writes from the point of view of Anakis, Natia, and Prid and again she is also a very good writer...THEY ALL ARE!
(I shall not describe their characters as I fear I might mess something up lol)
So, check it out for you shall not be disappointed (At least I hope you won't O-O)
Kathrine Hatter


Okay, to start the title is meant to be with a ck 'cause it just adds to the awesomeness of it. =) So, YAY...this is my very first blog and I am very excited. Okay, so, I named the blog sckittles because it is a symbol of my colorful personality. I am not gay I am a Christian, just thought I would let you know 'cause of the whole Rainbow thing, I just really like rainbows, they are pretty! I am a huge fan of BBC's "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock". I think I am a pretty big nerd and I love to read and write. I am actually working on finishing one of my books so I may get published =), it is one of my dreams. OKAY, I hope I don't bore anyone, and hope you enjoy my future posts to come!


Kathrine Hatter

P.s, Ciao is Hello and Arrivederci is goodbye in Italian =)