Saturday, 5 October 2013


This is an apology post! Because I have been a bad cookie and not posted in like...five months. Again, most sincerest apologies. BUT, do not be dismayed for I am back MWAHAHAHA!=) Okay so remember the previous post about movies and books...I HAVE FOUND THE EXAMPLE! It is called the "Princess Bride" It is a wonderful movie, and an even more wonderful book. The movie sticks with it soooo well. It does leave out a few things and switches some stuff to get in some lines that would be said in a previous part. But any movie has to do that. SO, be happy for I am back and there is an epic movie and book out there. SO go...go and read it!                                           photo kathrinehatter_zpsdc754540.png


  1. "I have been a bad cookie." XD
    ~Grace Anna

  2. you mean to say, you've been a raisin cookie instead of a chocolate chip? ;D
