Friday, 11 October 2013

Me and My Writing

I think I shall start posting more of my writing on this blog. I have seen it and it sounds fun sooooooooooooo, be happy I shall attack you with my characters and plot schemes. =) To start I think I shall tell you the WIP's I have (For those who don't know a WIP is a Work In Progress) Because I am no professional but I hope it becomes that way. =) (I am just telling names for descriptions go to the page title My Books) SO, first I think I shall put The Playwright, then Road to Nowhere, and Keeper of Ice(This title might change), Ace of Spades, Amber, and I shall add any if there are more but I think that is it for now...SO, this is what I have decided and I shall do my best to follow it through =). photo kathrinehatter_zpsdc754540.png

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