Sunday, 27 December 2015

Just Another Ramble

Ha! I did I, another post. =)
Tis SUNDAY!! I love Sunday's it means church and seeing people I love at church. I am also listening to Tenth Avenue North, which is great. I love their music.
So I don't really have subjects for these posts when I do them. Maybe when I start becoming more regular I'll actually plan them, but for now they shall be like how I write letters. Mildly random spewing out things from my mind onto paper ( page XD)
So, I had this thought the other day. When I first made this blog I called it Sckittles because I like skittles and it could them be colorful and happy, but I just thought of a different reason it could be called that. Sckittles of Kathrine's thoughts XD. Small colorful pieces of my mind I share with any small number of people who decide to read this blog. (The "c" in Sckittles actually happened because skittles.blogspot was the "c', which I have grown to like actually)
So, I must leave now, go do Kash-like things =)

As always,
 photo kathrinehatter_zpsdc754540.png

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