Thursday, 9 April 2015

People know when you're doing something and it involves people and you're just like "Ugh, people" I mean you're okay with a few people but the rest just irk you, and then absolutely nothing goes your way and you just want to break a million brick walls with your fist? So yeah, that was me today. We had to do this cooking thing in my culinary class and I'm pretty sure everyone in there, minus maybe five people, was trying to kill me with annoyance. Oh and then my nose bled Niagara falls, which was actually funny despite how that sounds. So day in a nutshell XD.
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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

On a Roll and My History Class

HA ANOTHER ONE! Okay. Second post. Hope I can keep this goin'.
So, I enjoy my history class immensely and I look forward to it everyday. I'm no expert or anything I just really enjoy it. Well, right now we are learning about the world wars and I just wonder how people can be so selfish and stupid. Like, so much stupidity. Their just like, let's not do what this guy says, even though it could keep other wars from happening because he's more popular than us. It's like high school, bleh. And then you hear about these elaborate planes people had that were shattered because they did something stupid or people killing people to get what they want. WHY CAN'T PEOPLE JUST GET ALONG!? So yeah, peace would have been nice. Lots of people wouldn't have died.
And there you have Kathrine's random thing of today. photo kathrinehatter_zpsdc754540.png

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Such A Failure Am I

So seeing as the last time I posted was July of 2014 I accept the title of failure and also seeing as my last post was about redeeming myself I am even more so deserving of this title. But seeing as I am older and there for wiser XD, I hope to stay this time.
I actually almost forgot I even had a blog and then a group of my friends asked if any of us had a blog and I was like, "Huh, I have one of those things.So here I am trying again to continously post. Let's see if it works this time.
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