Sunday, 4 August 2013

Books to Movies

Hello, sorry about the lack of posts, I have had nearly no inspiration for anything lately. But, today I had a nice little brainstorm =). know when you read a book and it is really cool, might even be your new favorite and you're just like obsessed over this book, and then you here they are turning it into a movie?You dive into research. Like who is playing this character, are they at least adequate in appearance. So the movie finally comes out you see it as soon as possible and did it go? Was the movie awesome, mediocre, or was it just butchered? I know when I read the Percy Jackson Series and they made a movie I was slightly upset. I mean one of the main characters didn't even have the right hair color, and the characters where like twelve in the book and I think one of the actors was like 20. Now I am not picking on the people who made it, just expressing my feelings. It wasn't awful it was mediocre and the storyline was messed up a little bit. But then there are movies that are almost as good as the book. I haven't read many books that have been turned into movies so I can't really give an example for this side of the post. Though I hope that I will soon have one for this side of it, because of a new movie coming out of 'Divergent' which was a really good book so I am hoping for a good movie.             photo kathrinehatter_zpsdc754540.png